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Creative Tech Camp

Terms and conditions

Contact details:

Jones Tuition
Tel: 07707883392

This section (together with the documents referred to in it) provides details of the terms and conditions on which Jones Tuition supplies its products and services listed on its website,, to you.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before ordering any Products and/or Services. You should understand that by ordering any of our Products and/or Services, (“camp, club, workshop, event, course, party, activity, merchandise”) you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

You should print (if viewing our website) and/or keep a copy of these terms and conditions for future reference. Please understand that if you refuse to accept these terms and conditions, you will not be able to order any Products and/or Services.



Activity – means any Camp, Club, Course, Event, Workshop, Party or Activity organised and operated through Jones Tuition.

The Company – Jones Tuition

Terms and Conditions – means the terms contained in this document and any other document referred to within it.

Terms and Conditions for booking a place for your child on any Activity.


Booking and Confirmation

All bookings must be made up to 7 days prior the start of camp.

Booking a place on any Activity, or by the Company receiving part or full payment, constitutes your acceptance of these and any associated Terms and Conditions.

The Company offers an online booking service.  Once the booking form has been completed and submitted, payment in full received and the booking validated by the Company, you will be sent confirmation of your booking via the email address you have provided. Bookings are subject to these Terms and Conditions together with our website terms and conditions. Receiving email acknowledgement of payment is confirmation of your request to book a child on a Jones Tuition Activity, however it does not guarantee a place on the Activity.

All bookings must be made in advance of the selected Activity start date.  For safety reasons we can only guarantee a place on ANY Activity to those who have made a booking in advance. Those arriving on the day will not be guaranteed a place on the Activity.

Before booking please ensure the participant is able to attend the Activity and meets the conditions for such Activity as listed on our website.

Places at all activities will be allocated on a first come, first served basis on receipt of full payment. Bookings made online will take preference over telephone, email and postal bookings.

Anyone booking an Activity must complete a booking form providing emergency contact details and any relevant medical information in full. Any medication must be given to a Jones Tuition Activity Leader before the start of the Activity with the relevant medical disclosures completed.



As a children’s activity provider, we are conscientious in our role to keep everyone who visits us safe.

We are following all of the official guidance issued by government departments and medical authorities, and will continue to do so as the situation develops and more information becomes available. The drop off and pick up procedures will be different for each camp as we have to abide by our risk assessment and also the school venue risk assessment. Some of our camps will be drive by drop off and collection and other camps procedures will involve a 2m queuing system, this may also involve staggered timings for different group bubbles if necessary to avoid risk.

We never want children to miss out on a fun-fuelled break and want our parents to feel that their children are safe in our care.

We are taking responsibility for the impact of coronavirus on the way we run camps and have set up measures to ensure that our camps will be super hygienic and clean. More information on our mandatory procedures will be sent after your booking is complete.


Cancellation and Return Policy

Bookings cannot be refunded unless a camp is cancelled.

If you would like to make a change to your booking, please notify the Company as soon as possible. We offer the ability to alter bookings up to 48 hours in advance subject to the availability of places.

In the event that the Company has to cancel a camp for any reason, a credit note for the full value of the booking will be issued to the person who booked or alternative provisions to run the Activity at another time or venue will be arranged and confirmed to all.  If you are unable to attend at the alternatively arranged time and venue and confirm this to Jones Tuition, we will issue a refund to the full value of the booking. 

Customers will be given as much notice as possible and wherever possible Jones Tuition will use all reasonable endeavours to offer alternative opportunities.

In the unlikely event that a Jones Tuition activity would have to be cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control, Jones Tuition may not be able to offer a refund or a payment in kind. Credit will be given where possible.


No refunds will be given outside of the notice period if your child is sick, on a trip, on a playdate, snow days, or on holiday, as well as school closures taken out of our control.


Cancellation notice and fees


Up to 14 days notice - Full refund - £5 admin fee


Up to 7 days notice - Full refund - £5 admin fee


Less than 7 days notice - 50% refund given - £5 admin fee


Less than 24 hours notice - Not accepted



Altering Booking – Changing Date/Days

At your request we may be able to alter your dates at camp, providing we have spaces at alternative Activities and you notify us of this request 48 hours before the start of the Activity. If there is a difference in price you will need to cover this cost.


Price and Payment

The price of any Products and/or Services provided by Jones Tuition shall be as quoted on our website.

Prices are liable to change at any time, but changes will not affect orders in respect of which we have already sent you confirmation of that order.

The Company accepts credit/debit card as methods of payment.  If you arrive on the day of an Activity without an advance booking we cannot guarantee a place on the Activity.  If a space is available, we may offer it upon receipt of payment in full before the Activity commences.  In such cases payment must be made in cash only and you will be provided with a Receipt by the Activity Leader.  You will be required to complete a form providing all the information that would have been requested if you had made an online booking.  Under no circumstances will a child be accepted on to any Activity before this has been completed and payment in full has been received by the Activity Leader.



We will make every effort to contact you if a child is late being picked up. If you are more than 15 minutes late to collect your child from the published camp end time for event at venue, a charge may be enforced at £1 per minute per child. Should a child that has been collected late be enrolled for subsequent days at a camp, Jones Tuition is entitled to cancel any further days/sessions booked and not be able to offer a refund or a payment in kind.

If no contact has been made and no one has arrived to collect the child when 45 minutes after camp closing time has elapsed, then the camp leader will contact Children’s Social Care on 0208 461 7014.


Available activities and dates / Programme changes

All information within our literature was correct at the time of print. Jones Tuition will endeavour to let parents know of any changes that might occur after print.

We make every effort to adhere to the advertised Activity programmes but on exceptional occasions these are subject to change in the event of circumstances beyond our control.

No refunds will be made for activities that do not occur. Not every activity printed on our literature or on our website is available at every club, camp or workshop.


Drop off and Collection Procedures

Parents/Carers/Guardians must sign a registration book when dropping off and collecting children.

Parents/Carers/Guardians are required to make arrangements for their child to be collected at the agreed time of the Jones Tuition Activity ending. Should Jones Tuition incur costs due to a customer not collecting their child on time, any costs may be passed on to the customer.

The Company must receive written notice if any child will be arriving at an Activity unaccompanied by an adult, or leaving the Activity unaccompanied. This can be done via email to, or by including the information during the online booking process.

In the event that somebody different is to collect a child at the end of the camp, please ensure that Jones Tuition Activity staff are kept informed of the new collection arrangements.

The Activity Leader’s direct number is displayed on the sign in desks.

For parents that need it, we do offer an extended day service between 0830 and 0900 for a small additional charge of £5 per child per day. We also offer an extended day option until 1530 for the same charge of £5 per child per day.


Personal Property

Unfortunately, our staff do not have the facilities to store valuable items securely at any of our sites and therefore it is important that you ensure children do not bring valuable toys and belongings to any  Activity.  We understand that in certain circumstances Parents/Carers/Guardians may require their child to be in possession of a mobile phone.  Any mobile phones brought to any Activity by a child will be collected and stored by a member of staff at the beginning of the Activity and returned at the end.

Jones Tuition will accept no liability for loss, damage, vandalism or theft of personal property owned by you or your child during the performance of our Services, including but not limited to, vehicles, bicycles, jewellery, personal music players, personal games consoles, mobile phones, items of clothing or shoes.

Any belongings left behind after an Activity will be handed to a member of staff at the venue where possible, or will remain at the venue in the Activity space.  However, we cannot guarantee the return of lost items. To facilitate the return of lost property, please ensure that all personal items, including all clothing, are clearly labelled with the participant’s name.


Child Protection

All Jones Tuition Activity Professionals hold current Child Protection and DBS certification.

The Company operates a zero tolerance policy to discrimination or bullying of any kind. Every participant involved in an Activity is of equal value and entitled to equal access of opportunity.

Jones Tuition staff have a duty to respond if they suspect a child in their care may be suffering from abuse, or if a child makes a disclosure about abuse Jones Tuition staff will act in accordance with our Child Protection Policy. A copy is available on request.

In order to prevent children taking unauthorised images of other attendees, their mobile phones will be collected at the start of the Activity and returned at the end. Jones Tuition will accept no liability for loss, damage, vandalism or theft of mobile phones owned by you or your child.



From time to time Jones Tuition may take photographs/film of our events. The purpose of this media is solely used for training, marketing and promotional purposes.

Parents/Carers/Guardians who do not wish for their children to be photographed or filmed must make Jones Tuition aware of this at the time of booking or in writing before the Activity starts. Where possible Jones Tuition will inform Parents/Carers/Guardians at the start of the Activity.

Jones Tuition will hold all data in accordance with its Data Protection and Privacy Policy.


Data Protection

Jones Tuition acts as a data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998. To process your booking we need to collect personal details about you and all the participants on your booking. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have permission to pass on these details.

By registering for any Jones Tuition service or booking any Jones Tuition Activity you are accepting the way in which we process and use your information. If you object to your personal information being processed or transferred as described in Jones Tuition's Privacy Policy, please do not register for nor use Jones Tuition services. Our Privacy Policy can be viewed online or is available on request.


Health and Safety

A full risk assessment will be carried out before any Activity takes place at a new venue. Jones Tuition Activity Professionals hold a current Emergency First Aid Certificate issued by an appropriate body.

By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions you are providing consent for an Activity Professionals to administer any and all necessary first aid to your child as required at any time.

It is the Parent/Carer/Guardian’s responsibility to ensure appropriate clothing is worn and/or available for their child for the Activity being undertaken and weather conditions.  Sun cream should be applied before arriving at the Activity and must not be brought to the Activity.

We also reserve the right, exercisable at our discretion, to exclude your child from any Activity for such period as your child is ill or appears to be ill and where we believe that illness to be contagious.


First aid and Medical Information

When completing a booking for any Jones Tuition service, all medical conditions that a participant may have must be fully disclosed during the booking process. Any further information you would like to inform us about please email

If full information about medical or physical conditions, or behavioural matters, is not provided before the start of the Activity, it may result in the participant being excluded from certain activities. If we cannot obtain the appropriate medical information we may have to cancel the booking and no refund will be paid.

All information given will be treated with the strictest confidence. Please view our Privacy and Data Protection Policies for more information.

In the event of an accident, a member of Jones Tuition staff will administer first aid to children at the Activity in our care. The emergency services will be called if necessary.

All essential medication must be handed in to the Jones Tuition Activity Leader at the beginning of each session/day for safe-keeping together with a completed Permission to Administer Medicine form which is available to download from our website

Parents of children carrying Epipens must note this on the booking form and, in accordance with Ofsted recommendations, arrange for a qualified medical practitioner to demonstrate the use of the Epipen to the on-site first aider / camp leader on the child’s first day at a Jones Tuition Activity. If this is not possible then we will accept a demonstration given by a Parent/Carer/Guardian instead.

Please refer to our Administering Medication Policy, a copy of which is available on request.


Nuts and Allergies

Jones Tuition will do our best to ensure that there are no nuts in the setting, however we cannot guarantee that there are absolutely no traces of nuts in any snacks/packed lunches provided by the Parents/Carers/Guardians of other participants.

If your child has any allergies it is your responsibility to ensure these are recorded in the medical information requested during the booking process and declared to the staff member in charge. The Company  requires Parents/Carers/Guardians to provide either a) written advice from a doctor (GP), which explains the condition, defines the allergy triggers and any required medication, or b) a copy of the current/most recent Health Care Plan or Risk Assessment provided by the child’s school. For children with an allergic condition, Parents/Carers/Guardians are responsible for the provision of Epipens which must be supplied in a transparent, sealable bag or plastic container labelled with the name and photograph of the child and handed to the Camp Leader during registration. Where applicable, a Permission to Administer Medication Form must be completed prior to the Activity date.


Special Needs

It is our policy not to exclude any child due to special needs, wherever possible. The needs of each child vary, so decisions are made on a case-by-case basis, depending on the level of support each individual child requires to enable them to fully participate in and enjoy activities at Jones Tuition events. We request that Parents/Carers/Guardians of children with special needs contact to discuss how Jones Tuition can best accommodate their child, and consider whether any special arrangements need to be made.


Behaviour and Exclusion

We reserve the right to exclude or refuse any person, at any time prior to, or during any  Activity, if, in our opinion, the participant is not compatible with the general enjoyment and objective of the Jones Tuition Activity e.g. bullying, disruptive or aggressive behaviour.

Refunds may not be given for any remaining days booked. The Parent/Carer/Guardian will be responsible for meeting any additional costs involved.



Neither Jones Tuition, nor any personnel authorised by it, nor the school or facility at which the Activity is being held, will accept liability for the personal injury, or the death, of any participant, howsoever caused. Neither Jones Tuition, nor any person involved with the organisation and/or delivery of Jones Tuition services, will accept liability for loss or damage to any property belonging to a participant. Jones Tuition does not accept any responsibility for any losses or additional expense due to injury or sickness whilst at an Activity.



Jones Tuition has Public Liability insurance with cover provided by Maltings Insurance:  Legal liability in respect of injury, loss or damage to third party persons or property for a limit of indemnity of £5,000,000.

Other than in relation to death, personal injury, or property damage, where Jones Tuition or its Activity Professionals is proven to be negligent, Jones Tuition's liability to you is limited to the booking fee paid by you.


Policies and Procedures

A copy of all our policies and procedures is available upon request.


Written Communications

Applicable laws require that some of the information or communications we send to you should be in writing. When using our site, you accept that communication with us shall be mainly electronic. We shall contact you by email or in writing or provide you with information by posting notices on our website. For contractual purposes, you agree to this means of communication and you acknowledge that all contracts, notices, information and other communications that we provide to you electronically comply with any legal requirement that such communication be in writing. This condition does not affect your statutory rights.



All notices given by you to us must be given in writing to Jones Tuition, or via email to We may give notice to you at either the email or postal address you provide to us when placing an order. Notice will be deemed received and properly served immediately when posted on our website, 24 hours after email is sent, or in the case of an email, that such email was sent to the specified email address of the addressee.


Equal Opportunities

Jones Tuition is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes all children regardless of their gender, ability, race or religion. Every participant is of equal value and is entitled to equal access of opportunity.


Feedback and Complaint Procedure

Jones Tuition is committed to ensuring every participant has a great experience at our events. If you are happy with our service please let others know.

In the unlikely circumstance that you should not be entirely happy with the service Jones Tuition provides, please write to us at within 7 days of your child’s attendance on the Activity. Your feedback and concerns help us develop and improve the services that we provide. We take your views and complaints very seriously and will endeavour to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. Refunds will only be issued if Jones Tuition is proven to be in breach of its Terms & Conditions.



The information on this site is updated regularly. However, we hereby exclude any warranties (whether expressed or implied) as to the quality, accuracy, efficacy, completeness, performance, and fitness for a particular purpose of the site.

These Terms and Conditions form the entire agreement between you and Jones Tuition.

By booking an Activity with Jones Tuition you are acknowledging your full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and confirm that you have not relied on any other representation other than those contained within these Terms and Conditions.

If any term within these Terms and Conditions is found to be unenforceable by a competent Court then such term shall be struck out but the remaining terms within these Terms and Conditions shall continue in force to the full extent permitted by law.

These Terms and Conditions are governed by English law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.


© 2022 JonesTuition. All rights reserved.

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